Saturday, February 27, 2016

I have 15 Puppetswar flesh hounds and I wanted to try this idea before I tackle them in the color scheme. Each pic has info about what steps i was on. Did it work? Meh, not as well as I'd liked...the mask liquid was quite hard to control;...either I'll have to use the brush-on, or add it in very small amounts, wait for it to dry, and add more. On the parts of the model it did work best, I really like the effect...I think these flame areas will look much better with a little brush touch up, and of course everything armor wise needs to be painted. I sued a synthetic cotton swab and on the old minitaire paints, it removed the paint as well as the dried rubber for how it turned out? Nothing ventured, nothing gained....

This is the stuff i used; This stuff has a needle in the cap as well to clear the applicator needle. Comes out as fluid as milk, so even with the needle you are somewhat at the mercy of the models contours (I suppose I could be VERY careful and build on to added, dried mask for greater control...would take an age...dries fairly fast, so I'll try the slower steps and just devote a day to masking. Maybe use of the airbrush would speed up the drying time?

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 2nd go at those Gaunt's Ghosts Krieg-style for a commission...