Thursday, March 3, 2016

My first attempt at lava bases. Working with these rather bland 50mm bases from Proxie Models (they were dirt cheap, if low-grade plastic), I used large-grain basing sand flock, and a ton of Elmer's Glue the night before I painted them. I waited for the first ground layer to dry before adding more sand layers. Coated everything in clear coat to seal them together, then primed them. Got home from work at 00:30 and spent an hour and a half painting them. They have a more red/orange hue than the camera will pick up under stark fluorescent light (they look lifeless yellow in some pics). I'll add cinder grey to the bigger lava chunks and a gloss coat to the yellow-orange areas before I base the dogs on them permanent.

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 2nd go at those Gaunt's Ghosts Krieg-style for a commission...