Here are a few of the items I've painted this year:

This scheme was my original intention; guess they go in the de-greaser.

I found genuine Silly-Putty is the best masker out there, if you don't want to splurge for expensive liquid mask. The blue cockpit is an example of how leak proof it is :)

Started wandering since stars alone are boring...added a solar flare/comet
These wolves were my first attempt at a big unit, trying preshading
I WANT to paint HER....
First at temp at flames using plastic wavy card
Tried my hand at sculpting a great unclean one...lol slimer or The Great Poo...still, I like him...he's MINE...
Needed an idea for a thrid Heldrake...and I love Godzilla, so...
Mecha-King Ghidora lives!
Aaron's Guard army...my first attempt at a full vehicle army with the airb
Note the color difference in the following panels...guess I better keep a journal if I do commissions so each paint matches
My experience with white: don't use it for detail...go light grey....the mouth here was a total disaster after I penned in good detail
Sad Sack on the mantle...or Snuffy Smith....
Lol Aaron was not please I had a Pin-up on there....
More Flames...a little too uniform (especially for orks!)
First serious use (attempt!) of Airbrush with french curve masking...for a tau guy...he made this out of an old star wars B-wing...its huge (for Apoc games)
Regular masking tape...not so great with softer primers
Pre-shading the lines
and after
Below is a Traitor Guard vraks style army I painted last year, minus an airbrush...the theme is, a sorcerer stole a lot of their souls, turning them into evil, pale, red eyed zombies....
He beats the flesh-drums to call in artillery from the warp...
and with photoshop:
Free paints from a paint company...jsut eamil them and ask for samples....
Dark Angels for a friend...the Ghost Tint Oil from Minitare is awesome of bronze/gold..
Tau for Yancy...Miniatire paints have a shine to them, but they look ok on rounded armor I think.
Plague Bearers for a WC friend
My own Plague Bearers...wanted something different
and their pappy (so shiny)
Wow, mega post! Thanks for all the pics, awesome, fun stuff. Silly putty ftw, I'll remember that.