Friday, April 27, 2018

Finished up the first 3 gladiators for Arena Rex for Joseph Dickinso. These were a lot of fun.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Love working on these models...they are somewhere between 34 and 54 MM...unusual sizes. Fun trying to make the garments sheer/see-through

Working on some Arena Rex gladiators

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Someone asked for more closeups of him, so i took a few more.

Friday, April 13, 2018

And...done! Thanks to Jon Good for the commission, this project was a lot of fun.

Just the loincloth and Iron Warriors bodies to finish...

Watched a video from some Hispanic gals on Youtube, didn't understand them but their marble painting method helped me, first attempt turned out pretty good. Grey paint sponge-smeared on black, then white veins added, followed by two coats of Miniatir Ghost Tint Green..should really make Dorn's gold armor pop, and the chaos marines on the steps will be iron warriors, so they should show up well,too.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Now to start on the marble base...

More on Dorn...used a silver paint fine point marker for the cloak, still some touch-ups to do on it

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Working on Rogal Dorn for a commission. LOVE those Vallejo Alcohol metallic paints...goes on like a dream...throw on a little ghost tint Oil Discharge and you're in business. Also found a use for an old yarn pattern template to use for a marble veined base... the test on paper had over-spray because I did not hold it tight...of course, a base-coat of brown before gold is always in order.

Working on some freehand diamonds and old D&D minis...two triangles (One inverted) are easier than a full diamond by itself

 2nd go at those Gaunt's Ghosts Krieg-style for a commission...