Sunday, July 28, 2024

 Lest you forget half the title of the blog...

Projects I finished up this last week...

 working on the 2nd and 3rd tigress gals 

Monday, July 8, 2024

 After I added the blood

 Getting the linebackers ready. Of a side note, your choice of primer,even between glossy and matte, is of huge consequence. Most of the iron warriors on the left were sprayed with gloss black primer as it was all I had left in the compared to the ones on the right with a flat primer. These are the same metal paints on both models and I even did two ink washes to try and cut back on the left guy's shine. I suppose I'll use a matte coat sealer to try and knock them back more. Also got the Khorne daemon prince done as a single print except for her wings, which are in the hopper now...




